Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tomorrow's Synagogue Today- Let's Learn More!

At a recent day of learning for members of the Cantors Assembly, Rabbi Hayim Herring shared his thoughts on “ Tomorrow’s Synagogue Today”.  It is also the title of his book, focusing on “creating vibrant centers of Jewish life”.  I found it fascinating as I have grown up in synagogues as the daughter of a cantor and organist, and professionally have lived and breathed as a cantor in synagogues all my adult life.  Just as the world is rapidly changing, so the spiritual lives and needs are changing. It seems crucial to try to understand what these changes are and what opportunities for growth lay ahead.

Franz Rosenzweig, the great Jewish philosopher said we should, “ live Judaism- live it deeply every day, not just a few moments” We now have answers to questions our ancestors did not ask.  Torah today has to address us in our changed situations. In order for that to happen, we have to try to live and teach Torah for the lives we are living now and in the future.

Rabbi Herring states that synagogues have the challenge of making the shift from closed, hierarchical organizations to multi-channel platforms. In the former model, congregations direct people how to be Jewish- in the latter model congregations create space for individuals to self direct Jewish choices and explorations within the congregational mission.

The world is rapidly changing-that is clear to all of us! In the last ten years the changes have been breathtaking- online, digital, web, twitter, blogs, face book, iphones, clearly are affecting our lives. How can synagogues best reach and support, change and comfort, heal and uplift?
I would urge you to read his book, “ Tomorrow’s Synagogue Today” as I am, and
invite you to join me in a spirited discussion in a few weeks!

Cantor Debbie Katchko-Gray
Temple Shearith Israel

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