Monday, April 11, 2011

Ma Nishtana

Stitching n Kvitching A Cantor's Life Tallit Making 101

This is my very first blog- I should say " Shehecheyanu!" I have always enjoyed writing and will be sharing several essays I've written over the years, as well as thoughts on the cantorate, and my love of stitching homemade tallesim or tallitot using huck embroidery.
Being creative is part of being a cantor.  Too often we forget that it is our creativity that can drive us, keep us feeling alive and uplifted- it is the power to change and create that can move us and move others.
I love working with new stitching students and they usually ask, " is there a pattern to follow?"  NO! The only pattern is the one you create as you go along! Choosing colors is first, starting with a pattern you like and building from there is the process that can become a creative adventure- One recent student made three in six months! She was totally enthralled with the creative process and found it was a relaxing way to end a day of work.  Finding the time to create is a gift to oneself- being in the creative moment is life affirming, powerful, and relaxing at the same time.
Creating and changing, making and doing, singing and chanting, it's all part of life. I hope you find your creative outlets and enjoy the freedom of choice, color, pattern, song, spirit and joy.

Jewish Huck Embroidery  Creating a Huck Tallit with Swedish Weaving
available for $18 from Temple Shearith Israel 46 Peaceable St. Ridgefield, CT 06877